The Siege

The Siege (Robin Hood)

The Siege (Robin Hood)

RH3のスピンオフ・シリーズ#6。最終話。Richard の素敵な声を堪能できるオーディオブックです。 ガイの声を地声よりも低音で演じていて、とってもしびれます。ロビンの台詞はJ.Armstrongのしゃべり方の特徴を良くとらえていて面白かった。
"insufferable grin"(ロビンのあの笑い方ね)という表現が何度も出てきますが、JA@ロビンを最後まで好きになれなかった私もずーっとinsufferable なgrinだと感じていました(笑・ファンの方ごめんなさい)。

Robin Hood and the Outlaws are on the run from a gang of mercenaries and are forced to take shelter in the ruins of a castle where soon they are besieged.

Robin’s more used to breaking into castles, not defending them. But he also knows this castle - he was apprentice to its lords many years ago. A great family brought to ruin by recent, cruel times... No one has dared set foot within these walls since then.

Robin and the Outlaws know there's no such thing as ghosts. Don't they?