Phyllida and the Brotherhood of Philander 

Phyllida and the Brotherhood of Philander: A Novel

Phyllida and the Brotherhood of Philander: A Novel


I picked up this atypical Regency Romance out of curiosity...
The Heroine, Phyllida Lewis, a young pretty and feisty writer agrees to a marriage of convenience with Andrew Carrington, the gay heir to an earldom. Although Phyllida knows Andrew prefers the company of men, she is attracted to her good-looking husband and comes to love him. Andrew is also becoming smitten with her in spite of himself. ( He still needs men's company beside his wife ).
Phyllida doesn't mind the presence of Andrew's boyfriend, but the married life with a man like Andrew was not so simple…. Andrew at first has no idea how to have a relationship with a woman and  feels a grudging admiration for rakes and libertines, men who has a reputation for pleasing ladies (" Lord, they must work very hard!" is his comment…(^^;;
There is an incident which makes the situation more difficult and Andrew's new boyfriend Matthew , honorable son of a Baronet plays an important rule to reconcile Andrew and Phyllida's love-hate relationship…

tradeサイズで532ページという長いロマンス小説でした〜(17万語くらいかな)。 Gayのジェントルマンが集まるクラブ,The Brotherhood of Philanderの交流関係(登場人物多し) 、ナポレオンやスパイ、アメリカの奴隷制がらみのPlotが出てきたりしたので、こんなに長くなっちゃったのかなぁ。作者のインテリジェンスは感じましたが、個人的にはAndrewとPhyllida、Matthewの関係をメインにもっとすっきり書いてくれた方が読みやすくて良かったのに…と思ったりします。
eroticな描写や会話も出てきますが、男性同士のラブシーンには興味がないし、Phyllidaがすごい〝screamer゛なので使用人が耳栓していたりと、セクシーというよりコミカルな印象を受けました。 Andrewが女性の扱いについて弟からレクチャーを受ける場面とか、オースティンのSense & SensibilityをPhyllidaの匿名小説だと思い込んでいた話、ウェリントン公爵に送られた書簡の中身がPhyllidaの書いたゴシック・ロマンスの一部だった場面とか可笑しかったです。 