Brighter than the Sun

Brighter Than the Sun (An Avon Romantic Treasure)

Brighter Than the Sun (An Avon Romantic Treasure)

そういうとき(次は何を読もうか? 未読本の山の中から何冊か手にとってはみるものの、どれも気が進まない)に登場してもらうのがJulia Quinn。特別好きだというわけではなくて、リズム感のある文章なので冒頭から物語に入り易いんです。

Their first meeting is less than auspicious--with a somewhat soused Charles falling from a tree and landing at Eleanor's feet. While they agree to marry for their mutual convenience, Charles is not prepared to let a woman command his household. And certainly strong-willed Ellie refuses to let a rogue run her life. Yet the rakish earl can be quite charming--and even tender--when he puts his mind to it. And there's no denying the sensuous allure of his enchanting, innocent, yet utterly stubborn wife. Even though mad mishaps and very real dangers threaten their fragile union, they must follow where passion leads--to the rapturous warmth and brilliance of love.

Everything and the Moonのヒロイン、Victoriaの妹Ellieのストーリー。