More than a Mistress

More than a Mistress (The Mistress Trilogy)

More than a Mistress (The Mistress Trilogy)

SlightlyシリーズのMorgan同様、若いのに悟りを開いたようなことを話すヒロインにはあまり共感できません。 Tresham公爵も大人げないところがあるし・・・で、私の評価はいまひとつ。(Baloghには期待が大きい分、評価が厳しくなってしまいます…)

Jane Ingleby interrupts a duel, and by mischance, the Duke of Tresham is wounded. As a result of being late for work, however, she looses her menial job and Tresham employs her as his nurse when she confronts him to demand recompense. Later, after his recovery, Jane agrees to be his mistress...