One Night For Love

One Night for Love (Dell Historical Romance)

One Night for Love (Dell Historical Romance)

最初、ヒロイン Lilyのことが好きになれなくて、ヒーローNevilも印象薄いし(ネビルと聞くと、どうしてもロングボトムのイメージが浮かんでくるし・苦笑)、ヒロインの血縁も最初から予測できたし・・・で、一度途中で投げ出した本です。感動的なThese Old Shadesのおかげで読書エネルギーを充電できたので、もう一度手に取ることができました。でも私にとっては最後まで印象が薄い作品でした。


主人公二人よりもElizabeth(Nevilのいとこでしたっけ?)と長い名前の侯爵(Simply Perfectのヒーローですね)の方が印象に残っています。

Lily Doyle, a sergeant's daughter, is hurriedly married to Neville Wyatt, Major Lord Newbury, in Portugal, after her father is killed in a military skirmish: if she's captured by the French, her status as an officer's wife will protect her. Another battle ensues, and Neville, who's wounded, wakes up believing that Lily has been killed. More than a year later, back in England, a very much alive Lily interrupts Neville's second wedding. Aside from one jilted bride, all's as it's meant to be. But whatever seemed right and good in Portugal is suddenly terribly wrong in England. Lily's no lady: illiterate and rough around the edges, she's hardly the proper material for an earl's wife.