


 ちょっと昔のbalogh作品を読んでみたくなって手に取った本。 この作品、時代設定はジョージアン、フランスで言えばルイ15世の時代です。 男女とも髪粉つけたり、パリ生活が長かったヒーローはお化粧もしています。この時期は、派手派手のパリと比べてイギリスのファッションは野暮ったいと思われていたのですね。 
ヒロインの聾唖の妹Emilyが、読み書きすら学んでいないのに、読唇ができるというかなり無理な設定でメインストーリーに絡んできたのもちょっと・・・。ロマンス小説とはいえ、あり得なさすぎる設定は好きになれません。といいながらもEmilyと(ヒーローの弟)Ashleyのストーリー、Silent Melodyを読みたくなったけど・・・これも暗いのかな?。

Life has taught Lucas Kendrick, Duke of Harndon, that a heart is a decided liability. Betrayed by his brother, rejected by his fiancée, Luke fled to Paris, where he became the most sought-after bachelor in fashionable society. Ten years later, fate has brought him back home, to the rescue of the very people who had once shunned him. Luke is amused by the advice that a wife will make his takeover of both the title and the family estate smoother, but amusement turns to desire once he sets eyes upon Lady Anna Marlowe. Unbeknownst to Luke, Anna is also no stranger to pain, but her suffering can't be so easily overcome, not when her tormentor stalks her to the very doors of Bowden Abbey. Luke and Anna, each made fragile by the past, must learn to trust both each other and their love if they are to have any chance for a future together."
( http://www.marybalogh.com/ )