Stardust Of Yesterday

Stardust of Yesterday (de Piaget Family)

Stardust of Yesterday (de Piaget Family)

Lynn Kurland2作目。This is all I ask にも登場したKendrickがヒーローですが、なんとゴースト!いい味出してました。一作目と同様ヒロインにはあまり感情移入できなかったけど・・・。(面白いのだけど読んでいて眠くなったのはそのせい?) 切なさとラブコメ的ユーモアが入り混じった作品で、受賞作というのは納得できます。

Genevieve Buchanan inherited a castle—and a ghost to go along with it. But Kendrick de Piaget was no typical ghost. He was a handsome and infuriatingly arrogant thirteenth-century knight. At first he wanted to frighten Genevieve, though she was more charmed than scared by his ghostly tricks. But when his thoughts turned to wooing her instead, Genevieve had to face her greatest fear: falling in love. ( )